Content Hub

Curated content created by experts

Working in conjunction with you, we create a bespoke hub for all of your topic content and display it in an easy to navigate microsite. We’ll take multiple inputs, sources, and consult with your subject matter experts to extract the relevant details to create an impactful hub.

This turns into a compelling story for your customers that is packaged into a full marketing campaign and distributed to our extended audience.

Content hub screenshot

Resonate with your audience  

We’ll take your content and package and position in a way that is best understood by your target audience by pitching the messages at the right level.


Tell a compelling story  

We’ll take multiple inputs, sources and consult with your subject matter experts to extract the relevant details to prioritise all the important things.


Have competitive edge  

Curated content designed to elevate your message and position you in an increasingly complicated environment. 

market position

Shift your market position  

Demonstrate your capabilities in new areas and be seen in markets and verticals you’ve never been known for before. 

on demand

Premium viewing experience, immediately available

Have your content displayed within as a little as a week, by utilising our quick process and adaptable platform.

Unique content

Showcase wide variety of unique content 

Our content hubs support video; written articles, infographics, webinars & more: your content hub will truly be a ‘one-stop-shop’ for your market message.

Generate leads from your content hub

Why not put some of the information as gated content to generate leads for your business?

These microsites can be custom designed for you to deliver you leads through the content produced. Utilising your existing content, or working with the Mobile World Live team to curate new whitepapers builds the perfect story.

Design your content hub today

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